Greetings from the YES Fair!

To begin, we are hoping to have the YES Fair Online Registration up and running by November 1st. Teachers/Mentors for the student projects will have to register FIRST! Once a Teacher/Mentor is registered the student needs only to select a School and a teacher list will appear.
The 2017 YES Fair is scheduled for February 21-23, 2017 at the Windemere Hotel and Conference Center in Sierra Vista. Set-up is on Tuesday February 21st, judging on February 23rd and the Fair is open for school visits on February 24th with the awards ceremony following that evening.
School Grants
The YES Fair is open to students in the 5th through 12th grades. Students compete in three Divisions, 5-6 grades, 7-8 grades, and then 9-12 grades. Elementary/Middle schools are limited to the best 9 projects in each of the grade divisions. We have to limit participation due to the limited amount of space to hold the Fair. To determine the best projects (we suggest the best in each category and the best overall project) we encourage each grade school to have a local Science and Engineering Fair. To help with that, we offer a $200 grant (grant application on web site) to any school that holds a fair. We can also help by providing you with judging forms and helping you find judges.
Technology Competition
YES Fair is going to continue with the Technology Competition. Our goal is to create a competition for students to design software, applications, and digital images for use in the real world. The Project Title for this year is “Terminology Graphics Platform Definition of Terminology”. By using sets of special words and expressions used in connection with a peculiar science, art, or specialized subject a library of definitions will be collected. For more information go to:
FREE Northrop Grumman Foundation Teachers Academy
Applications are now being accepted for the second annual Northrop Grumman Foundation Teachers Academy. The program – designed specifically for middle school teachers – was established to help enhance teacher confidence and classroom excellence in science, engineering, and technology, while increasing teacher understanding about the skills needed for a scientifically literate workforce.
Rulebook & YES Fair Judging Rubric
The YES fair Rulebook can be found at the link below. The rulebook includes project set up, judging rubric, special instructions for animal/human participation projects, and “How write an Abstract”.
Please check out the resources on our web site that include the YES Fair rules, ISEF Rules, entry forms (filled out online), and many links to other sites with ideas for projects and other assistance for students and teachers.
As always, you can ask any and all questions with an e-mail to:
YES Fair Email:
We look forward to seeing you at the Fair,
Marcus Harston
SSVEC Youth Programs Coordinator
2017 YES Fair Director