Newsletter: January 2018

Dear Teachers/Advisors,

Student Registrations: Teachers when your students register you will receive an email to confirm they are your students. You must click the link in that email to verify the student’s registration!  Until you have clicked the verification link in the email the student’s registration will not be accepted into the system.


  • Teachers must register online prior to students.
  • Elementary and Middle Schools are limited to the number of students that attend the Fair.
  • Contact the YES Fair with questions.
  • High School (9-12 grades) student interviews will begin on March 7th at 1pm.
  • February 12, 2018 All online registrations ends.


Please check out the resources on our web site that include the YES Fair rules, ISEF Rules, and many links to other sites with ideas for projects and other assistance for students and teachers.

As always, you can ask any and all questions with an e-mail to

We look forward to seeing you at the Fair,

Marcus Harston
YES Fair Director